
AlpOSS, March 21, 2024, Grenoble

March 21 - 21, 2024

Echirolles (near Grenoble), France


For the first time we have organized a local conference on open source software, in the area of Grenoble. 

AlpOSS "Alpes Open Source Software" took place on Thursday March 21, 2024, at the premises of the town of Echirolles. 

This event is the result of a collective initiative of three local digital players with varied profiles: Belledonne Communication (publisher of the Linphone open source solution), the town of Échirolles and OW2 for the community side. 

Its aim is to create links between suppliers of innovative open source technologies and users, to discuss collaboration models and business models, and to structure and revitalize the local ecosystem.

For more information please visit the website:

See the replay of the full conference:

OW2 presented during AlpOSS the NGI Zero Commons Fund project. For more information, please visit