Associate Organizations are entities, such as standards organizations, research institutions, academic institutions, open source organizations, publishing organizations and other organization types, which wish to support the aims and objectives of OW2. In a nutshell, Associate Organization are our official friends and supporters in the global open source marketplace.
Founded in 2002, ADULLACT French Association aims to support and coordinate the action of the Local Governments and Administrations in order to promote, develop and maintain free and open source software that are useful for the public service missions.
ADULLACT, a unique structure in Europe, was born from the need to see a system alternative to proprietary licenses, particularly in the field of business software.
By setting up free and open source computer projects meeting the specific needs of its members and by coordinating local skills, ADULLACT wants to give a concrete meaning to the resources mutualisation concept.
ADULLACT is the French contraction for "Association des Développeurs et des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres pour les Administrations et les Collectivités Territoriales".
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Based in Brussels (Belgium), the European Open Source Software Business Association is the umbrella organisation for national Open Source business associations in Europe. Founded in 2020, it aims to increase opportunities for the members of the Association’s member organisations, and to raise awareness for the strategic importance of Open Source for Europe. APELL promotes a sovereign, inclusive, ethical digital market.
APELL is represented by its Director EU Government Affairs, Sebastian Raible. Sebastian is a computer scientist with nine years of experience as assistant and policy advisor in the European Parliament, and has been a long-standing supporter of Open Source. He represents APELL towards the European institutions in Brussels and throughout Europe.
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Associação Software Livre (ASL), or association is a non-profit organization, based in Porto Alegre (Brazil), which brings together entrepreneurs, professionals, students and citizens. Its goal is to foster the adoption of free software in the society, providing space for discussion, support, promotion and organization of initiatives in several related areas.
Founded on September 11, 2003, ASL is the organizer of the International Free Software Forum (FISL) in which OW2 regularly participate with a booth and presentations. FISL is the largest free software event in South America. It takes place every year in Porto Alegre. The organization is also lead of several projects and initiatives. More information: ASL Performance.
CAdESoL is an OW2 associate organization since November 2017. Created in 2009 in Argentina, the Chamber of Free Software Companies (CAdESoL) brings together the companies providing solutions based on Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). CAdESoL activities are focused on promoting business development in FLOSS through projects, research, promotion, and development. Companies of all categories and sizes are invited to implement solutions using Free Software.
Through collaborations with public and private entities, CAdESoL supports and fosters the development and the implementation of FLOSS. It advises companies to collaborate, promoting, supporting and carrying out studies to improve the development processes, support and implementation of software based on free code.
Providing links with scientific-technical, educational and productive organizations, the organization brings neutral dissemination about free software. More information on CAdESoL website |
CNLL is the French National Council for Open Source Software (Conseil National du Logiciel Libre), a representative unit for FLOSS (free and open source software) corporate foundations and associations in France. It was born in February 2010, when local FLOSS associations decided to build a nationwide representation. The CNLL represents 13 associations and foundations and, through them, more than 400 specialized French companies or with a significant activity in free software. |
COPU stands for China Open Source Software Promotion Union. Established in 2004, in Beijing, the organization is hosted by CSIP, the Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Centre, a public institution directly affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. COPU members are mainly local IT companies and industries involved in collaborative and open innovation.
COSS the Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions is a non-profit association that promotes open source, open data, open standards and APIs. Internationally COSS is known as one of the oldest and most active centres for openness. COSS operation is based on far-reaching cooperation, communication and creating networks. The objective of COSS is to strengthen the competitiveness of Finland’s software intensive industries, promote the growth and internationalization of open source businesses and reinforce the development of the Finnish information society with the support of open technologies and communities.
DMTF standards enable effective management of IT environments. The organization is comprised of industry-leading member companies that collaborate on the development, validation and promotion of infrastructure management standards. These standards specify well-defined interfaces that collectively deliver complete management capabilities. DMTF standard interfaces are critical to enabling interoperability among multi-vendor IT infrastructures, and systems and network management including cloud, virtualization, desktop, network, servers and storage. DMTF spans the globe with member companies and organizations representing varied industry sectors. The DMTF board of directors is led by 16 industry-leading technology companies including: Broadcom Corporation; CA Technologies; Cisco; Citrix Systems, Inc.; Dell; Fujitsu; Hitachi, Ltd.; HP; Intel Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; NetApp; Oracle; Software AG; SunGard Availability Services; Telecom Italia and VMware, Inc.
Eclipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the Eclipse projects and helps cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products and services. More at
An OW2 associate organization since August 2019, the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation is based in San Francisco (California). It fosters the continued development of technologies and open source projects based on/around the Erlang and Elixir computer languages and the BEAM Virtual Machine. Increasing the adoption of this sophisticated platform among forward-thinking organizations is one of the main goals of the non-profit organization. Within the EEF working groups, open source critical pieces of technical infrastructure contribute to build the next generation of advanced, reliable, realtime applications. More at
The ESLE Association (Association of Euskadi Software Publishers), created on 6 October 2005, is a non-profit organization based in Vitoria-Gasteiz. It was initially promoted by 19 Basque companies that base their business model on free and open source software, ranging from software development to implementation and service delivery. More at
ESOP is an organization that represents Portuguese companies that are dedicated to the development of software and which provide services based on Open Source technologies. Its members add a wide range of skills, able to intervene in the most diverse scenarios of professional services: from small and medium to large companies, and associations to public administration. ESOP actively advocates and promotes the concepts of Open Software, Interoperability, Open Standards and Independence of Technology Platforms. More at
Euclidia is a European Cloud Industrial Alliance made up of SMEs active in the cloud industry. Members are cloud SMEs that develop and supply hardware or software for IaaS, PaaS or SaaS, and which are majority owned by European-based shareholders. Europe needs to strengthen its SME ecosystem through dedicated support – allowing innovation and technological assets to stay in Europe and contribute to innovation, digital sovereignty and competitiveness. For that to happen, these companies must continue to develop and grow within the European context, rather than being acquired by companies from other parts of the world. More at
Public service delivery and governance depend on software, but this isn't always democratically accountable, accessible or sustainable. 'Public code' is open source software developed by public organizations, together with the policy and guidance needed for reuse. The Foundation for Public Code helps open source projects for public organizations to become successful, build sustainable communities around them and create a thriving public open source ecosystem. More at |
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives; and it is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.
The FSFE helps individuals and organisations to understand how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination. It enhances users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption, encouraging people to use and develop Free Software, and providing resources to enable everyone to further promote Free
Software in Europe. More at |
GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is a non-profit organization, founded in 2008 with 30 Universities and Research Centers as shareholders.
The main goal of GFOSS is to promote Openness through the use and the development of Open Standards and Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece.
The major Greek Universities and Research Centers participate in GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance, while leading members of the Greek community of developers play a key role in the implementation of GFOSS policies to provide a platform for Open Standards, Free Software, Open Content, Open Data & Open Hardware in Greece.
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The OpenForum Europe (OFE) is a not-for-profit, European-based independent think tank which explains the merits of openness in computing to policy makers and communities across Europe. OFE maintains a Policy Research and Development team based in Brussels, which is supported both by our network of supporters and by specific specialist advisors. The main policy topics covered are: standardisation, e-Government, public procurement, copyright, cloud computing and cybersecurity. For more information, visit
The OSBA (Open Source Business Alliance) community is composed of 190 members, mostly coming from German public administrations, and European small and medium-sized enterprises. The association was created in 2011 from the merger of Linux Solutions Group eV (Lisog) and LIVE Linux-Verband.
The alliance is fostering the usage of the Linux operating system and open source software within companies and at public institutions. Supporting the open source software editors and contributors, OSBA is focusing on system interoperability, open standards, open innovation and open cloud computing.
The Open Source Initiative is an OW2 associate organization since June 2017, while OW2 celebrates its 10th anniversary and OSI is about to starts its third decades. Both international non-profit organizations protect and promote open source software, fostering interactions between community developers, administrations and businesses.
OSI is a California public benefit corporation founded in 1998. It's the steward of the Open Source Definition (OSD) and the community-recognized body for reviewing and approving open source licenses. OSI’s mission is global in scope, and was formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community. More information can be found on OSI’s web site at
Open Source Sweden is an industry association that supports the interests of Swedish companies dedicated to supplying Open Source products, development and services. Our mission is to stimulate a healthy market for Software through the development, provision, and support of products and services based on Open Source Software and Open Standards. By Open Source Software we refer to software licensed under a software license which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative. By Open Standards we refer to standards which conform to the definition presented in the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) version 1.0. More information can be found at
The OpenInfra Foundation (OIF) has over 100,000 members in 187 countries. It helps open source communities build the tools infrastructure operators need for Data Center Clouds, 5G, Edge, Containers, CI/CD and beyond. While OpenStack is seen as the de facto open source platform for operating cloud infrastructure around the world, more technology is needed to meet all of the diverse use cases. The foundation is now helping to establish new open source communities to advance areas such as AI/Machine Learning, CI/CD, Container Infrastructure, Edge Computing and of course, Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds.
More information can be found on the OpenInfra Foundation web site at
The Italian Open Source Network Rete Italiana Open Source is an OW2 associate organization since February 2021. This network of Italian companies highly specialised in Open Source technologies develop enterprise projects offering expertise and support.
RIOS represents a reference point in Italy for whoever wants to exploit Open Source benefits with the security, stability, support and guarantee of enterprise-level solutions.
RIOS organized the RIOS Open Source Week 1-4 Dec. 2020, a 100% online conference dedicated to Open Source world where OW2 gave a presentation.
More information can be found on RIOS web site at
The SADIO Association from Argentina is an OW2 associate organization since November 2017. Created in March 1960, this Society of Information Technology aims at identifying, unifying and extending the knowledge of computer sciences while sharing best practices in business decision support systems.
Other objectives include fostering contacts between professionals who carry out activities related to these disciplines, and fostering free exchanges of expertise between them and their international peers.
The SADIO association also promotes teaching and training in the IT and business decision support systems, developing meetings, conferences and educational or research programs.
More information can be found on SADIO web site at
The Document Foundation is the home of LibreOffice, the world's leading free office suite. Its community of developers provides powerful tools for the conversion of proprietary file formats to the corresponding ODF format, under The Document Liberation Project.
TDF is an independent self-governing meritocratic entity, created by a large group of Free Software advocates, in the form of a charitable Foundation under German law (gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts).
More information can be found on TDF web site at
TOSIT is a French open source supporter association that aims at making FLOSS software and solutions emerge, particularly in the field of cybersecurity.
Founded by major open source industry users and contributors from the private and public sector, TOSIT can also be considered as the most influential French professional FLOSS user group.
More information can be found on TOSIT web site at