

February 06, 2021



We are happy to participate this year again in FOSDEM with a Devroom and a virtual booth. 

Devroom on Dependency Management

Our Devroom proposal has been accepted again this year! We are coordinating this with the FASTEN research EU project. 

Devroom Date: Sunday February 7 

Dependency Management Devroom on FOSDEM:

Devroom Agenda

10h - 10h45: FASTEN Intelligent Package Management, Paolo Boldi, Milano University
10h45 - 11h30: DepClean: Automatically revealing bloated software dependencies in Maven projects, César Soto Valero, KTH University, Sweden
11h30 - 12h15: Lost in Zero Space (Can we trust depending on packages with major version zero?), Tom Mens, University of Mons, Belgium
12h15 - 12h45: Early warning signs for open source breakages (Using crowd feedback from dependency automation as an early warning indicator),  Rhys Arkins, Whitesourcesoftware
12h45 - 13h25: As Strong as the Weakest Link (Securing the Software Supply Chain), Brendan O'Leary, GitLab
13h25 - 14h: Reusing dependencies across ecosystems: what stands in the way? Todd Gamblin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

OW2 virtual booth


Project Press Releases
