[OW2 Newsletter - April 2023 - From the OW2 Management Office]
Dear OW2 Members, dear All,
First, we are proud to announce that OW2 has a new President and Chairman of the Board: Christian Paterson.
Christian is a long-time supporter of OW2, already involved in the governance as Board member and Vice-President, and was successful in the past years to strengthen our links with strategic members (he was formerly an OSS officer at Orange), recruit new ones (Huawei being the most prominent), and launch the QuickApp initiative.
Now Christian runs his own consulting company, Open Up. And for the future at OW2, let's give him the floor (moreover, his english is definitely perfect: Christian is English!):
"OW2 has always been a bastion of open source ideals, support and education. Seeing the weight and respect our 'small' organisation commands in the European arena is truly impressive. And this is very much due to the energy, efforts, trust, and support that you, the community and the fantastic management team, provide." More insights from Christian here.
Another important news is the launch of NGI Search 2nd open call: an opportunity to get financed bu EU grants (150 kEUR maximum), with a lightweight application process.
The thematic is internet search at large, but the 2nd call is more focused on AI, so it is more research-oriented than the 1st one. A good pick for academics and open science contributors? Even individuals can apply, so, go take a look!
Also don't forget OW2Con'23, June 14/15 in Paris: we are close to announcing the final program, with really great talks and audience. Stay tuned!
XWiki: published version 15.2 and LTS version update 14.10.6. Version 15.2 brings a new UI to see what's new in the XWiki ecosystem directly inside XWiki instances and a new macro to easily display icons in wiki pages. Of course both release includes a set of bug fixes. More.
Waarp released version 0.7.4 of Waarp Gateway. This version fixes some bugs related to migration from earlier version and fix usage context of INPATH and OUTPATH keywords. More.
Imixs-Workflow published version 1.0.0 of a brand new solution: Open-BPMN for Visual-Studio Code! Open BPMN is a free and open modeling platform to create and maintain business models based on the BPMN 2.0 standard. Open-BPMN can be installed from the VS-Code Marketplace or as VSIX extension. More.
PrestaShop published version 8.0.2. It fixes several issues found in 8.0 branch related to upgrade mechanism, web services or themes that are using Symfony routes and a lot more. The upgrade is made easy with the 1-Click Upgrade tool. More.
GLPI released version 10.0.7 with several security issues fixes but also improved features such as SMTP OAuth authentication support and bug fixes (e.g. PHP 8.2 support, LDAP filters, etc.) . More.
ASM: released version 9.5 with update constant for Java 21, new readBytecodeInstructionOffset hook in ClassReader, more detailed exception messages, Javadoc improvements and bug fixes. More.
BlueMind published a blog post to give you tips and tricks to limit resources consumption related to your email usage by leveraging some BlueMind tools. More.
DeviceFarmer v3.6.5 is available for download with new features such as device market name, frame rate management and several bug fixes and dependencies updates. More.
Project of the month
XWiki is a professional wiki that has powerful extensibility features such as scripting in pages, plugins and a highly modular architecture. XWiki received the 2019 Best Project Community Award. More.
Community News
OW2con'23, June 14-15, 2023, Paris-Châtillon
The full program will be revealed mid-April. Discover our great list of keynote speakers and expect new side events this year. OW2 project leaders: join the Community Corner. More.
OW2con'23 Best Project Awards
The OW2 Best Project Awards 2023 are still open. OW2 projects: check out details and submit before May 7 in one of the 3 categories: Technology, Community, and Market. More.
Open Research Webinar, April 25
Join us for the episode #9 on April 25, 16:00 CET, highlighting SPADE project and NGI Search EU project. Do not forget to register for free. More.
Good Governance Initiative Updates
GGI and the OSPO Alliance will be represented at OW2con'23 in a workshop dedicated to governance. Bastien Guerry from French public government will talk in the April 21 OSPO OnRamp webinar series. More.
Open Expo Europe, May 18, Madrid
OW2 will give a talk introducing NGI Search and the Good Governance initiative. Our OW2 community booth can still welcome a few additional members/projects. Interested? Contact us. More.
OW2 Community Notice
The OW2 General Assembly is taking place today April 6 at 5:00pm CET remotely, and is open to all, do not hesitate to join us! More.
OW2 will be present at the Free Software Professional Meeting that will take place on May 24 in Lyon, France. More.
2023 marks the 25th Anniversary of Open Source and of the creation of OSI (Open Source Initiative). Many celebrations will take place during the year. Enjoy meanwhile this brief look back in history.
In our Research Projects
The second NGI Search open call and funding opportunities in the area of Internet search is now open until June 1. Join our next webinars, including Open Research Webinar Episode #9.
The beta-testing platform remains open to OW2 members, research projects and SMEs wishing to collect feedback for their latest beta release or use cases. More.
Save the date on your agendas: December 6-7, Paris. The CFP will open soon (the target date is April).
The 18th Teratec Forum on high-performance digital simulation will take place on 31 May and 1 June, at Paris Parc Floral. More.
We have the project to organize in fall 2023 a one-day community event in Grenoble, in collaboration with local partners. More to come soon.
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