Fuel your open source Internet innovation up to β¬50 000
Help deliver, mature and scale new internet commons across the whole technology spectrum, from libre silicon to middleware, from P2P infrastructure to convenient end user applications.
Free and open source software and hardware, open standards, open data & AI, open science, open education and commons based on public goods are democratising innovation and learning, together driving the society and industry forward at an unprecedented pace.
NGI Zero vision is to help restore public ownership of the internet, and enable people to control their digital lives.
Your open source project helps making our technology stack more honest, open, inclusive, green and robust?
Civil rights, privacy and internet neutrality are important to you?
More information and submission: https://nlnet.nl/commonsfund/
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Results of Open Calls
300+ projects will be funded by 2027. To access the detailed list and description of each project please visit:
- Jan. 2025: Discover 50 NGI grantees, incl. 19 from NGI Zero Commons Fund
- Oct. 2024: First batch of 32 projects
Keynote at OSXP 2023
On December 7, 2023 in Paris, Pierre-Yves Gibello (OW2 CEO) provided a keynote speech entitled Fuel your project with NGI commons: European funding for FOSS and open models with social impact, open to all during the main Open Source French event OSXP '23.
Abstract : NGI (Next Generation Internet), part of the European Commissionβs Horizon program, offers a cascading funding scheme based on calls for projects, open to all. NGI Commons is NGIβs vehicle for the next 3 years: its aim, to finance the future of a European Internet and digital commons based on open source, integrates a societal vision founded on the protection of private data, inclusivity, public liberties, sobriety and network neutrality.
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Project consortium
NGI Zero Commons Fund is a project coordinated by NLnet created to share 21.6 million euros of R&D on technology commons. This effort is proposed by a large group of european organisations, academia, and non-proft organisations, presented below.
List of consortium partners:
- Public & Open Foundation (POF β NL)
- Radically Open Security (ROS β NL)
- Tolerant Networks (TN β IE)
- HAN University of Applied Sciences dept. Inclusive Design & Engineering (HAN β NL)
- Internet Society Switzerland (ISOC.ch β CH)
- NixOS Foundation (NixOS β NL)
- NLnet Foundation (coordinator β NL)
- OpenForum Europe (OFE β NL)
- Center for the Cultivation of Technology (CCT β DE)
- Commons Caretakers BV (CCBV β NL)
- Free Silicon Foundation (FSi β CH)
- Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE β DE)
- Association Professionnelle EuropΓ©enne du Logiciel Libre (APELL β BE)
- Association for Progressive Communications (APC β ES)
The money for NGI Zero Commons Fund is kindly provided by the European Commission's DG CNECT, with additional funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
π More about NGI Zero Commons Fund at NLNet
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