July 2024 Newsletter

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[OW2 Newsletter - July-August 2024 - From the OW2 Management Office]

Dear OW2 Members, dear All,

The 2024 edition of OW2con has been a resounding success, attracting 250+ international visitors with a passion for professional open source solutions to Paris Châtillon, on 11 and 12 June. Many thanks to our sponsors, exhibitors, speakers and attendees for their loyalty.

If you were unable to attend the conference, or were only able to join a part of it, check out the OW2con'24 video including presentations by more than thirty high-profile speakers and also some photos of the conference highlights.

Congratulations to the Mercator, W'IdaaS and Centreon teams, winners of the OW2con'24 Best Project Awards. The English press release (also distributed in French) was recently relayed by GoodTech.info, Global Security Mag, Linuxfr.org and Silicon.fr.

Four breakout sessions took place during the conference, enabling members of NGI Search with Renée Ridgway as session chair, Apereo Foundation coordinated by Patrick Masson, Executive Director at the Apereo Foundation, OSAi (Open Source Accessibility) driven by Christian Paterson, Open Up founder, and OSPO Alliance moderated by Frédéric Aatz, Open Source expert. The four communities were able to present their work in progress and to imagine new collaboration opportunities.

Like many organisations, we are now entering a more peaceful summer break. The whole team at OW2 Management Office wish you a great summer and look forward to seeing you next fall as we prepare for new inspiring events and support activities. Take care and continue to adopt and contribute to brilliant open source solutions!

The OW2 Management Office


PS: Project leaders: Please use your project dashboard to publish your updates. Your news will appear on our Project Marketplace home page and in this newsletter

Project News

Project Updates

  • Imixs-Workflow offers a tutorial explaining how to build business applications with BPMN 2.0. Moreover, this article praises a process management and AI combined approach to support corporate business. More.
  • Jeka release 0.11.0 brings major and drastic changes compared to previous JeKa versions. It extends the Java building tool features to execute Java applications and scripts, directly from a source code. More.
  • Lutece Core 7.0.14 is available. This release contains several improvements for content designers and bug fixes. More.
  • Prestashop version 8.1.7 improves the product page responsiveness, and provides several bug fixes. More.
  • Rocket.chat version 6.10.0rc2 has been released with improvements to enhance real time communication and a few bug fixes. More.
  • Waarp recently received a major contribution from a smart intern who integrated the r66 protocol into Waarp Manager, saving time and efforts to multiple end-users. More.
  • XWiki shared version 16.5.0 with a revamped notification watch button, better notification contrast, a few bug fixes, as well as improvements for developers. More.

Project of the month


BlueMind is July-August 2024 OW2 Project of the month. Discover the new object storage orientation in Bluemind v5, its new delegation management, the invitation forwarding now integrated across Outlook, webmail, and Thunderbird, and More.

Community News

OW2con'24, June 11-12, 2024, Paris-Châtillon



With 250+ attendees from more countries than ever, this year's was a great edition. A big thanks to all participants, speakers and sponsors. Photos and replays are available. More.

OSPO OnRamp Webinar, June 21 at 10:30 CEST


Great testimony from an OSPO experience in the public sector in Italy : watch the replay of the last OSPO OnRamp webinar by Leonardo Favario, Head of Open Source Program Office at PagoPA S.p.A. More.

Open Source by OW2 Webinar Series, September 26 (tbc)


This second episode  will showcase Prestashop open source eCommerce software platform and ALLMA LLM for /e/OS, the open source 'privacy-by-design' fork of Android. More details and registration available soon. More

Open Source Experience, December 4-5, Paris



Antoine Mottier OW2 CTO will be part of the Program Committee. We have also started the organization of the Community booth with a great location and an attracting cost for members. Contact us. More.

Feedback on the OW2 MRL presentation at OnRamp meeting




If you missed the webinar, watch out the replay and discover recent news about the OW2 MRL (Market Readiness Levels): How to select the right open source solution? Get inspired by OW2 MRL! More.

Job Corner


We are glad to share with you several dozens of jobs offered by OW2 members at alter way, CEA List, INRIA, FactorFX, Linagora, OpenStudio, Orange, Prestashop, Worteks, XWiki, BlueMind and Engineering Group (jobs mostly located in Italy).

In the OW2 Ecosystem


OSPOs for Good 2024, July 9-10, New-York: The symposium organized by the UN-Office, OSPO++ and OFE aims to foster collaboration among government, academia, and industry. More.


SFSCON is taking place in Bolzano, Italy on Nov 8-9, 2024. OW2 associate organization RIOS will represent OW2 and the OSPO Alliance there. More

In our Research and Funding Projects


Fuel your open source software project thanks to the new NGI Zero Commons. Apply to the 2st open call. See the French video. More.


The 5th Open Call is now open until July 29. Apply soon with your open source search innovation. This will be the last open call.  More.


The beta-testing platform remains open to OW2 members, research projects and SMEs wishing to collect feedback for their latest beta release or use cases. More.



We are happy to announce that AlpOSS will come back in 2025 ! More details will come soon, stay tuned! 

Disclaimer: The OW2 newsletter is intended for general informational purposes only. The contents may not be comprehensive or up-to-date. OW2 makes no representation and gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information in this document and accepts no liability for any errors, misprints or omission herein (whether negligent or otherwise).

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