June 2024 Newsletter

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[OW2 Newsletter - June 2024 - From the OW2 Management Office]

Dear OW2 Members, dear All,

Should I have a single word to say, it would be: OW2Con! Next week, June 11/12 at Orange Gardens Innovation Center, Paris-Châtillon. Not too late to join the 200+ visitors, just register - for free, thanks to our sponsors.

And we are happy to announce two last minute sponsors: Linagora, and Synaltic. Never too late! (well, a little bit, now).

OW2con is of course a great place for people interested in FOSS advocacy to meet: and I would like to highlight another good FOSS advocacy story, from FSFE, quite original because youth-oriented: "Spark children's interest in coding", after the now famous Ada & Zangemann story (with a film to follow: you may help with a donation). Children, sure, are the future of FOSS!

And I think this is all, because we still have a lot of hard work to make OW2Con a great event :)

Eager to meeting you in-person at OW2Con'24,

Pierre-Yves Gibello


PS: Project leaders: Please use your project dashboard to publish your updates. Your news will appear on our Project Marketplace home page and in this newsletter

Project News

Project Updates

  • Rocket.chat version 6.8.0 has been released with addition of new APIs, accessibility improvement and much more. More.
  • LDAP Tool Box Self Service Password has published version 1.6.0 now allowing user to edit his email and phone number used to reset their password, password entropy evaluation and more. More.
  • Prestashop version 8.1.6 is available for download fixing 2 security issues. Also note that this version introduces a change that breaks backward compatibility: files uploaded into the upload folder can’t be served directly by Apache anymore. More.
  • GLPI Agent 1.9 has been released. This new version includes several improvements and fixes several of them targetting Windows platform. More.
  • Imixs-Workflow published a tutorial explaining how to run containers with GPU support. More.
  • BlueMind give a nice introduction to S/MIME in a blog post (in French). More.
  • XWiki 16.4.0 was released. This release contains a long-awaited feature allowing to manually order the pages displayed in a page tree. It also contains a few improvements and important bug fixes such as a fix for the duplicated attachments on the filesystem storage. More.
  • Cryptpad has published version 2024.3.1 with some improvements for OnlyOffice applications and various other fixes and translations. Also Blueprints R&D site has been launched. More.

Project of the month


Lemon LDAP::NG is June 2024 OW2 Project of the month. The open source software offers a modular WebSSO (Single Sign On) implementing CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect protocols, and a comprehensive AAA (Authentication Authorization Accounting) protection. More.

Community News

OW2con'24, June 11-12, 2024, Paris-Châtillon



Last minute to register for your free badge. Read the Press Release presenting the program. We're looking forward to see  all the community again together. More.

OSPO OnRamp Webinar, June 21 at 10:30 CEST


Join the next OnRamp webinar and share an experience feedback from pagoPA, the Italian Public Administration with a digital platform that allows payments in a transparent and intuitive way. More.

Open Expo Europe, June 13, Madrid


OW2 will be represented by our colleagues from Linknovate Science and Bitergia. Pass by our booth and learn more about the ongoing NGI funding projects. More.

Open Source by OW2 Webinar Series, June 20 at 16:00 CET


The second episode will showcase OW2 Prestashop open source eCommerce software platform and ALLMA LLM for /e/OS, the open source 'privacy-by-design' fork of Android. Register to get the link. More

Open Source Experience, December 4-5, Paris



Open Source Experience is coming back on December 4-5 in Paris Palais des Congrès. OW2 is glad to be part of the program committee. Contact us if you'd like to exhibit on the community village.

Feedback on the OW2 MRL presentation at OnRamp meeting




If you missed the webinar, watch out the replay and discover recent news about the OW2 MRL (Market Readiness Levels): How to select the right open source solution? Get inspired by OW2 MRL! More.

Job Corner


We are glad to share with you several dozens of jobs offered by OW2 members at alter way, CEA List, INRIA, FactorFX, Linagora, OpenStudio, Orange, Prestashop, Worteks, XWiki, BlueMind and Engineering Group (jobs located mostly in Italy).

In the OW2 Ecosystem


Are you related closely to the OSPO of your organization? or working on setting up an OSPO? Join the open discussion coordinated by OSPO Alliance at OW2con'24 and meet with OSPO heroes!  


The Prestashop Day will take place in Paris next June 13, 2024, just after OW2con'24. The PrestaShop community will discuss the main topics in e-commerce, new technologies and open source software. More.


The RPLL Free Software Professional meeting is organized on June 10 in Lyon by the CNLL's Rhônes-Alpes open source cluster (PLOSS-RA). We won't be able to attend due to OW2con but a poster will introduce OW2. More.


OSPOs for Good 2024, July 9-10, New-York: The symposium organized by the UN-Office, OSPO++ and OFE aims to foster collaboration among government, academia, and industry. More.

In our Research and Funding Projects


Fuel your open source software project thanks to the new NGI Zero Commons. Apply to the 2st open call. See the French video. More.


The 5th Open Call is now open until July 29. Apply soon with your open source search innovation. This will be the last open call.  More.


The beta-testing platform remains open to OW2 members, research projects and SMEs wishing to collect feedback for their latest beta release or use cases. More.



We will start with the AlpOSS team a discussion about the continuation of this local event. An AlpOSS 2025 is very likely to happen, more details will come soon, stay tuned! 

Disclaimer: The OW2 newsletter is intended for general informational purposes only. The contents may not be comprehensive or up-to-date. OW2 makes no representation and gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information in this document and accepts no liability for any errors, misprints or omission herein (whether negligent or otherwise).

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