Announcing OW2con'24 Keynotes Speakers, Invited Country and Awards
We are thrilled and proud to announce the fantastic list of internationally-known OW2con'24 keynote speakers. With a large representation of global open source foundations but also representatives from industry and academic world, keynote speakers will share their expertise, vision of today's situation of open source, its successes, challenges, keeping in mind this year's topic "open source funding".
Reminder: the Call for Presentation is open until February 25 : only 10 days left, and please note that there will NOT be any deadline extension, so do not wait any longer to send your proposal!
Frank Karlitschek, CEO, Nextcloud
A long time open source contributor and former board member of the KDE e.V, Frank founded Nextcloud GmbH to create a fully open source and decentralized alternative to big centralized cloud companies. He is also a fellow of Open Forum Europe and an advisor to the United Nations regarding Open Source. Frank won the European SFS Free Software Award 2023 and the Acteurs du Libre European Award 2023.
Stefano Maffulli, Executive Director, Open Source Initiative
Stefano joined OSI in 2021 after decades of open source advocacy, both as a contributor and leader. He co-founded and led the Italian chapter of Free Software Foundation Europe from 2001 to 2007, structured the developer community of the OpenStack Foundation and subsequently led open source marketing teams in several international companies.
Thierry Carrez, General Manager, OpenInfra Foundation
Thierry is General Manager at the Open Infra Foundation, a non-profit organization fostering open development of open source infrastructure solutions. Prior to that, he was OIF's VP of Engineering, in charge of the long-term health of the open source projects and has also been a long time Release Manager for the OpenStack project.
Patrick Masson, Executive Director, Apereo Foundation
Patrick is Apereo Executive Director since 2023. Prior to Apereo, Patrick served as General Manager for the Open Source Initiative after working within higher education IT, including roles as CIO within the State University of New York, and CTO at the University of Massachusetts' Office of the President.
 The Invited Country for this year's OW2con will be Tunisia. We will learn about the status of open source in Tunisia, its recent evolution and challenges, and collaboration with France and Europe. Many thanks to the Sofrecom Tunisia team for accepting the invitation. We look forward to welcoming you in Paris!
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