2025 OW2con'25 Announcement #2 CFP

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 Announcing OW2con'25 first keynote speakers and sponsors

We are thrilled to announce our first list of well-renowned international keynotes speakers and sponsors.

Reminder: The Call for Presentations is still open. This year we put the highlight on open source and responsible AI. Our aim is to lift the hood and look beyond the AI buzz: open source and commons, data, sovereignty, privacy, explainability, legal framework, technical stack, funding and economy, sustainability, research and education, interaction with people, impact on work and society, etc. How will open source contribute to this transformation?

Please submit your proposals, in the main theme or any other CFP topics, in English. Only 5 days left before the February 23 deadline, so please do not wait any longer to send your proposal!

First Sponsors


Want also to support OW2con ? Check out our sponsorship brochure and choose your support package.

Breakout Sessions

apereo.jpgA full workshop dedicated to Open Source in Education, Science and Research and moderated by the Apereo foundation. More

NGI_Zero_Logo.pngThis session will showcase a few success stories and outcomes of the European NGI cascade funding program, and discuss funding programmes. More.

Woud like to propose your own Breakout Session? Contact us at event-team@ow2.org.

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Keynote Speakers

We are thrilled to announce our first keynote speakers:

Artur Queiroz, Deputy Head of Unit, DIGIT.B.1, European Commission

artur-queiroz.jpgArtur is a computer scientist by education, with 15 years of experience in IT working both in the private and public sectors. After many years as IT Project Manager, he's currently developing for the EU IT products and services in the fields of Data, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Web, managing the content offering for the Europa websites.

Matthieu Porte, AI activities coordinator at IGN (French National Geographic Institute)

Matthieu_Porte.jpgMatthieu is a mathematician who now is in charge of the IGN Institute AI strategy and coordinates the related activities. He is in charge of building and implementing IGN's AI roadmap, and also works on applying AI to Lidar HD data.

Yann Lechelle, CEO and Co-founder, Probabl

yann-lechelle.jpgYann is an entrepreneur & tech executive, co-founder & CEO at Probabl, an INRIA spinoff whose mission is to distribute open source data science and machine learning technology globally around Scikit-learn and its more than 2 billion downloads. Previously, he was CEO at Scaleway, and founded a total of six tech startups.

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