
Aug 01 2024



BlueMind v5 offers a powerful storage server

BlueMind has released its major new version, BlueMind v5, after three years of development. One of the significant updates is the replacement of the historical Cyrus IMAP mail storage server with a custom-built component designed with modern object storage orientation. This new component enhances scalability, performance, and resource efficiency, and extends collaboration capabilities without boundary limitations, while refining native Outlook support. Additionally, features popular among Outlook users, such as delegation management and invitation forwarding, have been integrated across various access points (Outlook, webmail, Thunderbird). The goal is to ease the transition to BlueMind by minimizing changes for users, facilitating a gradual move away from Microsoft’s ecosystem.

A new version showcased during two major events

BlueMind v5 will be presented during 2 major upcoming events:

  1. On 10 October 2024, in Paris, during the third edition of the BlueMind Summit. This is France's leading sovereign messaging event, bringing together partners and users for a full day of conferences and discussions. Online registration is now available.
  2. At OSXP, on 4-5 December in Paris, the next major event in the Open Source ecosystem, where OW2 and Bluemind are attending every year.

A growing network of sovereign Bluemind solutions

Several integrators are very active in promoting and developing the BlueMind solution. Moreover, at least two new partners are in the process of launching their own sovereign messaging offering based on BlueMind. Stay tuned!