Jun 02 2024



LemonLDAP::NG version 2.19 released

The LemonLDAP::NG project has released version 2.19 of its software.

It includes a security improvement by moving password complexity checks to POST requests and adding the option to hash session IDs within the backend for increased data protection.

This latest version also introduces various enhancements and new features :

  • The compliance to the French government security agency ANSSI's recommended practices.
  • The ability to reattempt two-factor authentication (2FA) without restarting the whole authentication process and the integration of Okta as a trusted 2FA provider.
  • An audit log feature (in beta mode) that allows to write personalized logging formats using logging classes.
  • A Jitsi Meet Single Sign-On with a specific issuer module.

More information about the changes in this release can be found on the project website.

LemonLDAP::NG is now an official Fedora Package!

Everything needed to install and run LemonLDAP::NG is now available in Fedora, EPEL and RHEL9 package repositories.  Furthermore, in the process of packaging the software, all the optional dependencies have been met.
Having an official package in Fedora is an acknowledgement of the quality of the software.

Learn more about LemonLDAP::NG with the Open Source Webinar by OW2

Back in april, David Coutadeur, a core member of the team behind the project, introduced LemonLDAP::NG at a webinar organized by OW2. The replay is available on the OW2 site.

Jitsi Meet Tokens

Jitsi Meet is a WEBRTC-based video conferencing application, powering the meet.jit.si online service.

Instance of Jitsi Meet for private use (as it can be included in the collaborative portal, W'Sweet, provided by Worteks) required authentication to control the creation of conference rooms. In this configuration LemonLDAP::NG can act as a JWT issuer to authenticate users.

Technical details can be found in the documentation.

Worteks support and services around LemonLDAP::NG

Worteks employs a large part of the core team members of the LemonLDAP::NG project. This french expertise and publishing company is indeed specialized in free and Open Source software.

To assist its clients with implementing their digital infrastructure, Worteks has developed several solutions. One such is W'IDaaS, whose central component is LemonLDAP::NG, which provides a cloud-based identity and access management platform, accessible via web interfaces and managed through REST APIs.

And because ensuring data sovereignty becomes increasingly challenging, Worteks is developing hosting solution for its clients' services in a sustainable, secure and resilient ecosystem. Follow the LinkedIn Worteks account to learn more about W'aaS (Worteks as a Service).

MRL Market Readiness Level Score

MRL79.jpgWith an established customer base of early and mainstream users and a stable financing, LemonLDAP::NG (MRL 7/9) is considered as an established business based on an established product, open to community support.