
Sep 01 2024



Mercator, is a web application allowing to manage the mapping of an information system as described in the "Mapping The Information System Guide" of the ANSSI, and recently joined OW2 (in 2022).

About Mercator

Mercator is the only open source tool to create a mapping of an information system. Computer attacks occur in a constantly changing environment. To meet these challenges, it is necessary to implement a global approach to risk management within the organization. The mapping of the Information System allows having a global view of all the elements which compose the information system to obtain a better readability, and thus a better control. The elaboration of a cartography participates in the protection, the defense and the resilience of the information system. It is an essential tool for the control of its information system and is an obligation for operators of vital importance and is part of a global risk management approach.

Mercator won the OW2con'24 Best Project Community Award

Didier Barzin, project leader, and Chief information security officer of the Emile Mayrisch Hospital Center in Luxembourg, received an award at the 2024 OW2 annual conference.
With over 100 organizations utilizing the tool, Mercator has proven its capability to develop awareness and involve developers, and was rewarded for this with the "Community" Award. 


The Mercator community

Over 100 organizations, including many hospital centers with constrained budgets utilize this tool to gain a comprehensive understanding of their information systems, adhere to legal requirements, and enhance their information system security. 

Next events

  • A request to present Mercator at the conference in (October 22-25, Luxembourg) is still under validation.  
  • Didier Barzin, Mercator project leader will be presented at FOSDEM 2025. 
  • The FIC (Forum international Cybersecurity, April 1-3, Lille, France) is also part of event plan for 2025.